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In June of 2008, my family and I suffered the most devastating loss we have ever experienced- the death of our baby. In the process of trying to work through my feelings about this, I have been journaling and writing. For some time, I have felt impressed of the Lord to share this journey in a book format. I have never been a "writer' per say- in that I don't truly love to write, nor do I feel a particular drive to do it- but I do feel pressed by the Lord to share what happened to me, and my journey of faith through it.

My vision for this blog is that it will bless others who have suffered the same loss in their lives, coupled with the desire to give hope regarding a loss like this. I am just beginning the journey myself, have no idea how long it will take, but am willing to be obedient to my Lord and post when, where and how much of it He wants me to share.


In the past, when I have "worked through" painful things, my goal has always been to get it over with as quickly as possible. I often set goals for myself that are unreasonable or unattainable, and then when I fail, I can quit- right? The Lord had told me 2 months ago to journal about this loss in our lives, and I had started on it. But, when it took me more than 2 days to get just the beginning of the story written, I pretty much gave up on doing that. My flesh wants to get through this as quickly as possible- so I can get on with my life. The reality is that I now have a son in heaven that I will never know this side of life, and the pain is never going to go fully away. I believe that God wants me to walk through this on a daily, hourly, basis- to increase my faith in Him, and for His glory. What this means is a radical change in my way of dealing with things- I will allow Him to lead me, each and every day, through this journey. That this will transform my life and my faith, I have no doubt.


It is my sincere desire that this book will bless you. I hope and pray that the God of all the universe will speak through it to your soul, and you will be renewed.